Monday, November 22, 2010

portfolio work by andrea long

andrea's portfolio-11
designer / Andrea Long
model / Paula Ponzer
photography / chadchad

Yesterday my roommate Andrea staged a photo shoot showcasing a collection of clothing she created to add to her fashion portfolio as she is currently applying for grad schools in Europe. Our friend Paula ( was kind enough to model and both myself and our other friend Courtney took photos. I'll post the link to Courtney's photography site once it's up and running.

Andrea chose the concrete backdrops around our apartment and the rooftop location at Ruf XXX for her outfits, which were inspired by middle eastern colors, fabrics & textures.

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andrea's portfolio-5


andrea's portfolio-6

andrea's portfolio-8

andrea's portfolio-2_1



  1. awesome pictures - im going to posta link to your blog as well <3


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