/ The closing party for Design Korea 2010 a.k.a. 'The White Night' at the White House was held in an abandoned & soon to be demolished Korean BBQ restaurant in Hannam-dong. There were a few DJ's spinning, huge bottles of beer to drink, a campfire & ice sculpture outside and 3 floors of art & interactive digital media to explore.
/ a photo of me with my friend & one of the artists Jaewon Yun / 윤재원
One of my favorite pieces was made by artists Hojun Song & Lupens. It was a punching game you can only find in older neighborhoods in Seoul that was painted white (like the rest of the house) and rigged to a projection of the Design Korea logo which covered the entire side wall of an apartment building across the street. When you hit the punching bag the logo would either bleed or crack apart like glass. If you hit it hard enough, my friend Maia's image would appear laughing and waving.
Other interesting pieces were a 3-D projection of the viewer, a web-cam laser drawing show controlled by your own cell phone and a 'Porn' QR code reader that projected a naked woman riding a horse. The unheated building and the frigid temperature kept me from relaxing and fully enjoying the cozy, creative atmosphere and the site of the huge crane on the street outside the building - probably there to demolish the place in the near future - left a sadness in the pit of your stomach. But overall it was a great night and it's a shame the space will no longer be around when the temperature rises in the spring.
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